
Where there's usually a bun (or two) in the oven. This is our version of a "big" family.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Back In the Saddle Again

Here I am, after for.ever.  I keep wanting, for a long time now, to start blogging again, but it feels like I need something momentous to write about to get it started.  Finally, I've decided that I should just get it going or I'd never start.  There is no end of mom blogs, godly-woman blogs, homeschool blogs, fashion blogs, crafty blogs, etc.  So no one needs to read mine.  But I need a place sometimes to write down a funny kids story I want to remember, or something I think God is speaking to me, or post a picture of someone I love.  I could journal privately, right?  But typing is so much faster.  So here I am!

For today, I'll just post some pictures of the last few months.



Friday, August 27, 2010


I'm never on here anymore because most of my friends and family also have Facebook accounts and I can leave pictures there.  But I thought I'd post a new one here just for fun.  The girls are 5 months now.  Lucy is everywhere.  Up on her hands and knees, scooting, rolling all over, chewing on toys, eating every food we'll let her try.  Daisy is...content.  She doesn't really do anything but lay there and be sweet and happy.  She can roll over one way-  IF she is incredibly desperate, but honestly, it just isn't worth it to her.  :)  She really doesn't want anything to do with food, but can't get enough of nursing or bottles.  She is really chunking up now.  They both coo and laugh and are generally delightful and delighted over.  If I was getting some sleep, it would be a glorious babymoon time.  As it is, between the lack of sleep, the five other kids, and Daniel's very demanding job, I'm feeling stretched a little thin.  (If only that were literally true.  Thin sounds good!) But it's still pretty fun have two baby girls at the same time.  Overall, I'm really loving it.
Daisy is on the left and Lucy on the right.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Picture Angst

The girls are three months old now and I still haven't gotten ONE single picture of them together where they both look cute.  Should I take them to a professional, or will I just pay a bunch of money to someone else who can also not get them to both look cute at the same time?

I also really need a new picture for the top, but I'm not sure when that will ever happen.

Is It Okay....

            ......to think my daughters look beautiful in this picture?  I am madly in love with it.  With them.

Feeling Antsy

We've been making an ant farm and doing an ant experiment.

Lucy Snoozing

Usually Daisy is the one to sleep with her hand folded up by her face, but here is a cute litte picture of Lucy doing it.

There Were Four in the Bed....

And the big one said, "No.  Please.  That's okay.  I'll just sleep down here at the bottom of the bed."