
Where there's usually a bun (or two) in the oven. This is our version of a "big" family.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Photo Contest

We did a fun little activity the other day. We talked about photography being a form of art (not that I actually know what I'm talking about). And then the kids had two minutes to walk around the yard looking for the most interesting angle from which to shoot a picture of the diapers on the clothesline. Then they all went inside and came out one at a time and took a picture. Here are our results:

GUS- age 4

KYLIE- age 6

ELIJAH- age 9

And the WINNER is.......
GILLEN- age 8

At least, that's who I picked as the winner.  I thought Kylie's had potential, but since the tops of the diapers were cut off and the neighbors garage and grill is in the background, I didn't choose it.
Whose picture do you like best?

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Daisy practising for blowing raspberries and Daisy looking sweet.

Okay, so Lucy has been too grouchy lately to get pictures that I'd actually call "cute." But we don't want to leave her out, so here she is in her cherry dress.

Kylie holding a pensive-looking Daisy.

Jesse, being adorable.

Lucy in an outfit from Cousin Megan, that I have been looking forward to putting on them since my baby shower.  So, so cute!

Daisy in her coordinating outfit from Megan.  I love them both!  And then just a picture I think is cute of Daisy.  She is making up for all the less atractive pictures when she was really tiny.

Oh. My. Cuteness.

Elijah is nine and Gillen is eight.  VERY different guys, but I think both are pretty great.


We watched a great documentary called Amazing Caves and the kids spent several days caving and "repelling" up and down the steps.  Jesse's all tricked out in his gear.