Well, tomorrow morning we finally get to meet the long-awaited, much-prayed-for, deeply-desired Daisy and Lucy. My mom just gave me tiny, adorable beaded bracelets with their names on them (she made even
made them) and that has made it more real than anything else. Although, it is still not very real. Not very real at all. They will be arriving by cesearean and I hope I made the right decision to just schedule instead of going into labor and then having a c-section. But they weren't turning and they really can't turn now, so it was going to be a c-section one way or the other, anyway.
Here are the last few belly shots.
I'm thinking tonight of the third verse that God gave me when we found out it was twins and we were trying to make all the decisions necessary to have the most natural and safe and healthy experience possible.
"Even the sparrow finds a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, at your altars, O Lord of hosts, my King and my God." Psalm 84:3
will sat a prayer for you --
say, I mean! (nursing at keyboard!)
Yay! Welcome to Daisy and Lucy!!! I've only seen one picture so far but they are beautiful!
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